الاثنين، 24 سبتمبر 2012



الأربعاء، 19 سبتمبر 2012

Add milk tea lose its health benefits

Tea of the most consumed beverage in the world, this drink high in antioxidants and vitamins.

As shown several previous studies that hardener immunity and help reduce the damage cells, and has also connected against tooth decay and improve the level of sugar in the blood, as his health benefits of blood vessels in the heart, but there are usually some in the tea laced with milk, may lose some its health benefits, according to a recent research study.

The study was published recently in the Journal of the "heart" of the European, where researchers studied 16 people seriously drinkers Okdaha of black tea with boiling water only, and others Amzjohnh slightly from skimmed milk, then the researchers measured the effect of these drinks on the functions of blood vessels.

The comparison between the owners of boiling water, causing black tea to improve the functions of their arteries, while showing them that adding milk to tea that he lost this positive impact on the health of the arteries.

The scientists repeated the experiment on laboratory mice to reach the same results which Vsrōha existence of some vitamins in milk may deviate or stop antioxidant properties in tea.

Study: Smoking deprive you of sleep Pacific

A recent German study revealed that smokers are getting fewer hours of restful sleep, compared to non-smokers.

Said study author Stefan Kohrz School of Medicine Berlin, Germany, in this study recently published newspaper "Addiction Biology", saying that "of the approximately 1100 Smoker participant in this research, 17% are getting less sleep than six hours each night, compared to 7 % of non-smokers, and 28% of smokers suffer from interrupted sleep versus 19% of non-smokers participating in the study. "

It is worth mentioning that the researchers took into account several other factors in sleep, such as age, weight and alcohol addiction, but that smoking remained linked to poor sleep.

Discover 5 genes responsible for shaping the human face

A recent study conducted by an international team of researchers for new information about the factors that control the human face, and contribute to the formation of the face distinctive to each of us know each other, and makes us different from each other in the body and form.

Scientists were able to University Medical Center Erasmus Dutch identify 5 genes responsible for the shape of the face and that can Icol have applications in dialectical symmetry.

The study, by researchers from the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia, these findings may explain the apparent similarities between the relatives and almost the same shape of identical twins, as a result of possessing nuclear acids and genes that are similar to a great extent.

The researchers in this study using 10,000 people, where they were able to identify five genes responsible for various forms of the face, means the possibility of estimating a particular form of the face with a complete map of the DNA form.

The researchers used MRI on top of the sample with a fee for face

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